How to use Redis with Django For Caching

How to use Redis with Django For Caching

100 times faster web applications with Redis

First thing first.

Redis is not actually a database at least not like any SQL or NoSQL databases out there. One could argue it's a NoSQL database since it stores data in key-value pairs. And it'd not be a wrong statement.

It's a database but it's not a database. Okay okay, hold on it's a database but used just for caching.

The important thing here is you need to know that, it is a RAM-based data storing system mostly used on the top of any database of your choice for caching your application in production to speed up your application by a significant amount of time.

You can use it with pretty much any website or application you build using any of the available tech stacks.

Here we are gonna have a look at how we can use Redis with Django web applications for caching

Let's get started

To download Redis on Linux according to your package manager

Debian and it's derivatives

sudo apt-get install redis

Arch and it's derivatives

sudo pacman -S redis

For more options to download including windows and mac Clicke here

To verify your installation simply run

redis-cli --version

Get the django-redis package which is used to connect our django app with he redis database It is a python package Django-Redis

Install it with the command

pip install django-redis

Often used alternative is Memcache